Lions National Digital Photography Contest

Organized by: The Lions Club of Mysore West, District 317A

Greetings and best wishes from the Lions Club of Mysore West (LCMW). Our club has a rich heritage of service activities for over 40 years, to uplift disadvantaged sections of the society, aligned to the Lions theme of We Serve. Our major thrust areas are education, healthcare, women empowerment and poverty alleviation. Here is a glimpse of what we are doing.

1. Flagship Project: A permanent project of LCMW is the Mysore West Lions Sevaniketan, a CBSE affiliated school that was started 35 years ago. We provide high quality education to over 900 children, mainly from lower middle-class families, at a very affordable cost.

2. Kidney Endowment Fund: This corpus, that was setup in 2008, helps many poor renal failure patients by subsidizing their dialysis cost for their lifetime. So far over 20,000 dialysis procedures have been supported for more than 300 patients since inception.

3. Girl Child Education: Started in 2015, this initiative was aimed at reducing dropouts of girl students after 10th grade and provides scholarships to meritorious girls to continue studies. These students from a govt high school are identified each year and supported for two years.

4. Women Empowerment: Started in 2018, this initiative empowers women, especially single mothers, by training them on tailoring skills and equipping them with sewing machines to become bread-earners for their families. More than 100 such ladies have been trained and gifted sewing machines over the past years, enabling them to lead a life of dignity.

5. Fauji Children’s Education: This project was launched to support non-officer cadre ex-servicemen’s children (mainly martyrs and battle-casualty) with their education expenditure and help them fulfill their dreams. Along with this we also recognize and honour the selfless contribution by the defense personnel.

We are yet again trying to bring the entire Lions family in India on one platform through a digital photography contest. Your contribution to this contest will help in expanding the above projects. The theme for the contest will be this year’s our international president’s call:

Digital Photography Contest Registration


There will be 3 categories under which photos can be submitted:

  1. Street or daily life
  2. Sports & Games
  3. Wildlife

Photos submitted under the above categories must depict the main theme “Together We Can” and show the essence of teamwork for success.

Pictures should be taken in the period between 1st July 2021 to 31st Dec 2022 and 15th Jan 2023 is the last date for entry.

Scan the QR to Pay - Rs 500/-

Register Here


There will be 3 categories under which photos can be submitted:

  1. Street or daily life
  2. Sports & Games
  3. Wildlife

Photos submitted under the above categories must depict the main theme “Together We Can” and show the essence of team work for success.

Register Here

Rules for the Lions National Digital Photography Contest 2022

1. This contest is open to only the Lions club members and their immediate family (spouse & children). Lion membership ID and other relevant details have to be provided when requested.

2. All entries are to be in JPEG format with 1600 pixels on the longer side at 72 DPI

3. Pictures should be taken in the period between 1st July 2021 to 31st Dec 2022 and 15th Jan 2023 is the last date for entry.

4. Pictures should comply with the theme “Together We Can”

5. All contestants should agree to send the high-resolution original shot for verification if the picture is short-listed for final selection

6. Winning pictures will become the property of Lions Club of Mysore West.

7. The judge’s decision will be final.

8. Any form of canvassing and soliciting will disqualify the entry.

Rules for the Lions National Digital Photography Contest 2022

1. This contest is open to all the Lions club members and their immediate family (spouse & children). Lion members Int no has to be provided along with the details asked for in the application.

2. All entries are to be in JPEG format with 1600 pixels on the longer side at 72 DPI

3.Pictures should be taken in the period between July 1st 2021 – Nov 30th 2022

4. Pictures should comply with the theme “Together We Can”

5. All contestants should agree to send the high-resolution original shot for verification if the picture is short-listed for final selection

6. Winning pictures will become the property of Lions Club of Mysore West.

7. The judge’s decision will be final.

8. All entries have to be in digital form and should be sent only to the e-mail ID 

9. Any form of canvassing and soliciting will disqualify the entry.

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